Sunday, January 31, 2010

Around a common 10 kinds of the best anti-cancer foods

This ten bestFoodThere are many counters in the shopping inside you never seen before. Some of you may have never heard of, some of you may have heard, but easily forgotten. That is why we have studied a series of food, and allow them to show on your desktop, but because of them you will improve your health right away - without any prescription.


These look a bit dirty compared to some other root vegetables are a more natural sweet taste. This is because, under the skin of their ruggedBreadHidden in a lot of flavor.

Why are they are healthy and it?

The popular spinach beet. Like a number of exophthalmos energy food, such a dark color vegetables are the best source of folic acid and betaine. BothNutritionTogether with remarks may be common in the half-height lower blood levels of cystine. Half-high homocysteine is a destruction of human arteries and increase the risk of heart disease inflammatory mixture. Thus, the natural pigment, called anthocyanin b, giving beet into an effectiveAnti-cancer function of。

How to eat them?

Should be fresh, raw, can not come out from the jar. To sugar beet heat will indeed be damaging to their anti-oxidation function. Washing and peeling, and then it uses a wide blade knife in the cut has been cut to pieces. It and a spoon of olive oil and half the lemon juice stirred together. It may lead to a salad of.

You can also eat its leaves and stems, they are also rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Simply leaves from its beginning to its stem cut, and then conduct a thorough cleaning. They can be used to make a salad. Or, as an additional dish, skip the leaves, only chopped garlic and a tablespoon of olive oil, coupled with moderately high heat. Cook to wilt the leaves, stems become soft. Salt, pepper and a small amount of lemon juice for seasoning, and sprinkle a small amount of Parmesan cheese.

In AmericanKitchenYears, we are rarely able to see the trace of the cabbage. However, in Europe and Asia, the table, this cruciferous foods are frequent.

Why are they are healthy and it?

A cup of chopped vegetables contain only 22 calories, but contains valuable nutrients. The highest nutrient substances isothiocyanate. It is a ease-cell damage can increase the body's enzymes and reduce the risk of cancer of the chemicals. In fact, theStanfordThe scientists found that isothiocyanates more than any other plant chemicals that increase your body's anti-cancer enzymes.

How to eat them?

Put it into the various folders of your cake, you can also add very easily Yao Sui-sheng. Or, put it into to do some salad ingredients, made into an Asian-style cabbage salad.

No. pomegranate

Guava is a tropical fruit, slightly astringent, slightly acidic taste, the more the better to eat the center of a slightly sweet flavor.

Why are they are healthy and it?

Red Tomato elements can be anti-prostate cancer antioxidants. Guava than tomatoes and watermelons, and other plant foods contain a high amount of lycopene. In addition, a cup of guava pulp can provide 688 mg of potassium, compared with an equivalent amount of bananas to provide higher 63%. And guava is almost the highest fiber foods: Each cup contains approximately 9 grams of fiber.

How to eat them?

Eat the whole fruit, to seed from the case. Guava's whole body is edible and nutritious. Just shell containing vitamin C are better than high levels of fresh oranges.

In the market among the green vegetables, you can find a slightly bitter taste and unusual salty vegetables. This vegetable origin is the Mediterranean region.

Why are they are healthy and it?

Bowl of cooked chard provides a lot of lutein and zeaxanthin (the quantity of each of 10 grams). According to Harvard University studies have shown that these known as carotenoids of plant chemicals that can protect your retina is not due to age, growth is destroyed. This is because these two nutrients (ie, pigment), appears to accumulate in your retina where they do, they can absorb some may hurt your eyes light the sky short-wave effect of eye protection. Therefore, your intake of lutein and zeaxanthin more, your eyes will be protected better.

How to eat them?

Tang lettuce and fish, ribs or chicken cooked with a good taste. Or with the whole grilled fish with food is not bad. Clean and dry a bunch of chard, and then the leaves cut into 1 foot long sheet. Put a tablespoon ofOliveTogether into a large frying pan, and add two pieces of garlic. Then the oil will slowly smoke, came alive again in the chard. Fried on a 5 to 7 minutes, until the leaves wither dry stems are soft Caixing. Finally get rid of garlic, to the chard with salt and pepper seasoning to do.


This ancient spice is only with the sugar mixture and crumpled to the people to eat.

Why are they are healthy and it?

Cinnamon can help you control your blood sugar, thereby reducing your risk of heart disease risk. In fact, USDA research house found that 6 weeks consumption of one gram of cinnamon a day in patients with diabetes not only lower their blood sugar, and can reduce their body triglycerides and cholesterol. Cinnamon inside the active ingredients can increase the cell metabolism ability of sugar to the original 20 times.

How to eat them?

You do not need any special edible oils and the like to come and eat it with. Just sprinkle it on your coffee or cereal inside on it.

Although the United States Food and Drug Administration to be classified as wide-leaf purslane seeds, but it is still a very popular dish, and have grown in many countries, including China, Mexico and Greece.

Why are they are healthy and it?

AccordingUniversity of TexasResearch, purslane than any other edible plant, contain the highest amount of Omega-3 fatty acids. Scientists have reported that after testing, the plant with any other fruits and vegetables compared to contain more than 10 to 20 times more melatonin - an antioxidant to prevent cancer growth.

How to eat them then

Added to the Shala Li eat. The purslane as a lettuce substitute for or increase the product: its leaves and stems are brittle and can be chewed, and juicy. Although not common, you can still find it in the local market, including the Chinese market and the Mexican market. In addition, you can also Whole Foods stores, shops or ready-made multi-leaf green salad ingredients shop to find it. 


Pomegranate juice has been popular in the Middle East for decades, and until recently in the United States has been widely accepted and popular.

Why are they are healthy and it?

Israeli scientists have discovered that eating 2 ounces per day to last a year ofPomegranate juiceMen, their blood pressure can reduce 21%, heart blood flow will obviously increase. In addition, four ounces of pomegranate juice can provide daily needs of vitamin C, 50%.

How to eat them?

Recommends 100% pure pomegranate juice, try the Pom Wonderful brand products, they do not add any sugar. Pomegranate juice can be described as a "powerful" food, a small cup is already full to meet your needs.

Raisin-size fruits that are available chewing, the taste between sour cherry fruit and between. Importantly, this type of food Cherry since 1700, in Tibet are used as medicinal food.

Why are they are healthy and it?

According to the research, compared with any other fruit, Chinese wolfberry has the highest ORAC content of the ratio (ORAC is a measure antioxidant substances). Although modern scientists have only recently begun to study this ancient food, but they have found that it changed its sweet sugars will reduce insulin resistance.

How to eat them?

The dry and fresh wolfberry and a cup of yogurt a light mixture of them scattered in your porridge, or cold in wheat.


Why are they are healthy and it?

Plum contains a new thread of the original acid and chlorogenic acid. They are resistant "super-oxide anion radical," a particularly effective antioxidants. This repulsive free radicals can cause your body cells, structural destruction, which is considered one of the basic cause of cancer.

How to eat them?

Of it as appetizer. Can be cut into paper-thin ham then dry plum wrap, with toothpicks fixed. Placed in 400-degree oven on a baking 10 to 15 minutes, until plums soften, ham sausage brittle. Most of the fat will be baked out, and then you can get delicious sweet and fragrant and healthy snacks啦!

These hollow pumpkin lights waste left behind - pumpkin seeds, pumpkin is the most nutritious part.

Why are they are healthy and it?

Nibbling pumpkin seed is to obtain the easiest way to magnesium. Magnesium on the human body is very important. According to the French researchers have recently stated, the highest content of magnesium in the blood of men likely short-lived less than the magnesium content lower in 40%. On average, men consume 353 grams of minerals per day, compared to USDA recommended 420 grams to be much lower.

How to eat them?

Eating a whole, including the shell. Because the shell can provide additional fiber. Ounce baking pumpkin seeds which contained 150 grams of magnesium. To add them to your daily diet, you can easily reach 420 grams daily goals. Or snack bar where you canHealthy foodStore to find it

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