Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Delicious easy lamb disease with inappropriate

In the winter, the lamb has become widely accepted. Their sexual sweet warm, rich in fat, protein, carbohydrates, inorganic salts, and calcium, phosphorus, iron and so on. In addition to nutrient-rich lamb outside, but also combat impotence, premature ejaculation, after less infertility, postpartum virtual lean, abdominal pain, Han Shan, Wei Han abdominal pain, food is not satisfied of, lung weakness, chronic cough and asthma. However, the winter should also be some stress eating mutton. Warming the role of lamb with a big cold days of the most desirable food. But the meat of warm, eat easy to get angry.
Therefore, when eating meat with cool and gamping of vegetables, can play cool, detoxification, Quhuo role. Vegetables are generally cool sex melon, sponge gourd, spinach, cabbage, Flammulina velutipes, mushrooms, water bamboo, bamboo shoots, etc.; is best to eat meat with tofu, it not only to supplement a variety of trace elements, of which gypsum can also play a heat Xiehuo , Chufan, the role of thirst-quenching; and a dish made of mutton and turnips, you can give full play of cold radish can eliminate Ji Zhi, phlegm heat effect. In addition, the lamb anti-Banxia, iris, not the same use.
Not with the vinegar, tea, and pumpkin with fresh
"Compendium of Materia Medica," said: "meat with vinegar and water hurt heart." Mutton big hot sex sweet warm vinegar, and wine of similar, two things Tongzhu, easy to fire the blood moving. Therefore, mutton soup, not vinegar. Mutton is rich in protein, but contain more tannic acid in tea, tea immediately after eating meat, will produce a protein substance called tannin, is apt to cause constipation; if and pumpkins with the food, easily lead to jaundice and beriberi.
Enough is enough delicious lamb and mutton should be willing to warm large heat, excessive consumption will lead to a number of lesion development, and worse. In addition, the liver is sick, if they, after a large number of intake of meat, liver, not all the efficient completion of protein and fat oxidation, decomposition, absorption and other metabolic functions, while the heavier burden of the liver that can lead to disease; often tongue erosion, eyes red, mouth pain, irritability, dry throat pain, gingival swelling and pain and diarrhea, elderly persons who should not eat.
Jiyong bronze cooking, "Compendium of Materia Medica" record: "The boiled mutton to Bronze: Men's loss-yang, women storm the next complex; the different nature of the case, may not know that." It's one of the reason is: copper case of acid or alkali and in heat state, can be generated from chemical changes in copper. Lamb for the high-protein food in order to bronze cooking, it will produce some toxic substances harmful to human health and therefore should not use copper pots cooked lamb.
How to eat meat in order to benefit health?
1. Eating mutton when cold and gamping sex with vegetables: These vegetables can play a cool, detoxification, Quhuo role. Vegetables are generally cool sex melon, sponge gourd, rape, spinach, cabbage, Flammulina velutipes, mushrooms, lotus root, water bamboo, bamboo shoots, Chinese cabbage and so on.
2. To eat tofu with carrot when meat: tofu, radish can not only complement a variety of trace elements, of which gypsum can also play a Qingre Xiehuo, Chufan, thirst-quenching effect. The dish made of mutton and turnips, you can give full play of cold radish can eliminate Ji Zhi, phlegm heat strengths.
3. Dressings with a stress: to do lamb, the best release point does not peeled ginger, ginger Pyysing cool because, there are scattered among the fire heat, pain the role of rheumatism, and can also remove the smell of mutton lamb with fresh flavor . Less when cooking lamb chili, pepper, ginger, cloves, cumin, hot spices such as Vexin; and can put points lotus heart, it can Qingxin Xiehuo.
Special Note:
1. To eat boiled mutton instead of when you can not for the sake of meat tenderness and rinse thoroughly. As the lamb is often mixed with bacteria and parasites, therefore, when to eat boiled mutton mutton pieces selected through quality control, and rinse until cooked.
2. "Compendium of Materia Medica" in reference to meat, said: "meat with vinegar and water hurt heart." Mutton big hot sex sweet warm vinegar, and wine of similar, two things Tongzhu, easy to fire the blood moving. Therefore, not mutton soup vinegar, ordinary times and blood of patients with cardiac dysfunction should pay special attention to.
3. According to, "Compendium of Materia Medica" record: "The boiled mutton to Bronze: Men's loss-yang, women storm the next complex; the different nature of the case, may not know." It's one of the reason is: copper case of acid or alkali and heat state, can be generated from chemical changes in copper. Lamb for the protein-rich foods, both Gong Zhu, it will generate some toxic materials, endangering human health.
4. Hepatitis patients eat too much meat may increase the burden of the liver, leading to disease.
5. To eat meat immediately after tea, prone to constipation.
6. Mutton and help warm yang, one should not eat too much, it is best to eat cabbage at the same time, fans and so on.

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